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Printing on the packaging is done in order to provide important and necessary information about the contents, manufacturer, expiration date, usage instructions, safety warnings and other information related to the product. This information helps the consumer to use the product correctly and reduce possible problems. Also, printing on the packaging is used in the box making process for the purpose of advertising and branding so that the manufacturing company can introduce its product better and do marketing. (جعبه سازی)

There are many benefits to using printing on products and packaging, including:

  • Branding: Printing on packaging helps companies to introduce their brand better and appear newer and more dynamic in the competitive market.
  • Advertising: Printing on packaging allows companies to advertise their products and send special advertising messages to their new and old customers.
  • Information: Printing on packages allows companies to print information about their products on the product and help their customers to learn about the correct and better use of the products.
  • Differentiation: Printing on packaging allows companies to differentiate their products from their competitors and be a better option for their customers.
  • Security: Printing on packages allows companies to print security labels and warnings about their products on the product and inform their customers of the risks associated with the products.

How does printing on packaging help increase sales?

For two reasons, printing on packages helps companies to increase the sales of their products:

Branding: By printing their brands on packaging, companies can introduce their brand better and make their brand name stand out in the minds of customers. This can increase brand awareness and increase customer trust in the company’s brand and products, which in turn helps increase sales.

Advertising: Printing on packaging allows companies to send their advertising messages to their customers. These advertising messages can include brand slogans or raffles and other items. These advertisements can attract new customers, retain old customers and increase sales of the company’s products.